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Huawei: 'There's no way the US can crush us'

2019-02-19 17:44 by


Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei said in a recent interview that the US government's accusations and criminal indictments, including fraud and the theft of trade secrets, won't be enough to "crush" Huawei.

His daughter was arrested in Vancouver in December at the request of the US and charged with bank and wire fraud to violate American sanctions against Iran.

"There's no way the US can crush us," he said. "The world cannot leave us because we are more advanced. Even if they persuade more countries not to use us temporarily, we can always scale things down a bit."

Huawei, the world's largest telecommunications equipment maker, is battling a US-led campaign to persuade American allies to shut the company's technology out of super-fast 5G networks.Australia and New Zealand have already restricted mobile operators from using Huawei gear for 5G. The United Kingdom, Germany and others are considering whether to clamp down as well.

Read more -here-


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